NH Wildlife Sightings Instructions
Entering Observation Data ProcessStep 1. Login with your unique Username and Password. If you do not already have a username, request an account.
Step 2. Report Wildlife
Under this tab, you can either "Choose an existing site" or "Create a new site." If you click "Choose an existing site", select the site on the map using the various search options. Each site you've entered is represented by an orange circle or a purple triangle if it's a vernal pool site. Once selected, a pop-up will appear that shows your previously reported species here. To add a new observation, click "view" in this pop-up. You can also add an observation to an existing site by using the table seen below the map on your Home Page.
When you create a new site, choose a site name that best describes the area.
The Observer then has 2 options for identifying the location of the observation:
- Enter coordinates from a GPS unit or map (NAD83/WGS84 datum ONLY). See Help Menu for details on entering coordinates.
- Use the mapping tool to find the location using of your observation. A variety of mapping layers are available (e.g., roads). Observers should zoom into map so that specific recognizable features are detected (e.g., junction of 2 roads, house lot, road/stream intersection, etc.). You can zoom-in to map using 3 methods:
- Manually 'zoom in' map.
- Select a town from the drop-down menu to zoom-in.
- Enter an address including the town in the 'Zoom to address' box.
Step 3. Site Information
Location Precision: This is an estimate of how accurate your point is on the map to the actual location.
Location Description: Describe the location of the Site.
Habitat Information: If you select "Vernal Pool", a field will appear that asks if the observation was made from public land. If the observation was not made on public land, a field will appear that asks for landowner information. You'll be taken to an additional reporting page for the vernal pool once you click "save."br>
If you select a habitat types other than vernal pool, you will be able to add additional information on a habitat description and other comments.
Click "Save" to confirm and add your wildlife observations to this site.
Step 4. Wildlife Observations
Click on Taxa Headings (e.g., Amphibians) to see the full list of species available for reporting.
Click on the species name that you want to report an observation for. Enter text, click on appropriate boxes, and select options that apply to your species observation. Upload any digital photographs from your computer, if available.
Be sure to click "save," which will minimize the information you entered and allow you to enter another species on this page.
Step 5. Continue Reporting
You can continue to save and add additional observations at this Site if you want to report another species at the precise same location (i.e., 'Site'). Once you're done with this site, you can click on "Report wildlife" in the menu bar to go to a different site.
You have now entered a wildlife observation. This data will be forwarded to NH Fish & Game staff, where it will be verified. If the reviewer has questions about the entry, he/she will contact you directly.
Field Name | Description of Field Name/Instructions |
Location Information | |
Site Name | Name of the location of the 'Site'. 'Site' names should be descriptive enough so that observers easily recognize the location and can therefore determine whether a future wildlife observation is a previously named 'Site' or a new 'Site'. Since 'Sites' are linked to wildlife observation locations, sites should represent a very small area geographically. For example, if different species are observed at different locations within a state park/landowner parcel/river/Lake, etc., these should be entered as different 'Sites'. Examples of a 'Site' that could be used for multiple species reports include things like: a vernal pool, a backyard of a residence on a small lot (~ 0.25 acre), a specific tree or group of trees where eagles are frequently observed. As a general rule of thumb, if you need to click on a different location using the mapping tool, it is a different 'Site'. Examples of good 'Site' names might include: 'Gumpa Hill Summit', 'Gumpa Hill- 100' SE of Summit', 126 Pine Street backyard (rather than 'my Yard'), 'Turtle Lane and Snake River Jct'. |
Location precision | Click on drop down menu to identify how certain you are of the exact location of the observation. |
Location description | Describe where the observation was made. Include directions to the location, starting with a road intersection or other specific landmark typically found on a map, and describing how to get to the observation point. (Use landmarks found on a map, not those only observed when present. For example, enter ".25 miles south of the intersection", not "opposite the Children at Play sign.") |
Habitat Information | |
Habitat Information | Which habitat type is dominant where observation made. |
Habitat Description | Provide relevant details of habitat where wildlife observed (vegetation, structure, etc.). |
Comments | Provide any additional comments. |
Species Information | |
Observation Date | Enter the date(s) the species was observed (month - day - year). |
End Observation Date, if applicable | If the species was observed consistently for a period of time, enter the last date observed (limit of one year between start and end date). |
Sampling methodology | Choose methodology used to detect species. If you were not searching for a particular species or conducting a systematic survey, your methodology was probably 'None (Incidental Observation)'. |
Sampling effort (optional) | How long did you spend observing or surveying for the species? How many people were involved? |
Observations | Enter the number of individuals observed for each sex and within each age category. |
Observation type | Select the appropriate type of observation. If you did not actually see the animal, did you hear a unique call ("Heard"), or see definite signs of the species' presence ("Tracks, Other")? |
Evidence of breeding | Describe any evidence you saw of breeding activity (check appropriate boxes). |
How was the species identified | List specific features that were observed, and that distinguish this species from other similar species (e.g. size, color, pattern, behavior, calls/songs heard, etc.). |
Which similar species did you exclude | What similar species did you consider and exclude, based on the features listed under "How species was identified"? |
Additional Comments | Provide any additional comments. |